I Am Going On Trial. Should I Take A Bag

Category: Trial

If you are going on trial the worst case scenario is something that you probably don’t want to think about. However, the worst can happen and being prepared is the absolute best thing you can do. Things you may want to consider taking with you as the trial comes near to an end are:

Name, Address, Date Of Birth & Telephone Number of all people who you may wish to telephone or have visit you.

A decent sized holdall (to bring your possessions in and out of jail). It will usually be kept in storage while you are inside unless you get to a Cat-D (open prison).

Two pairs of comfortable trainers (absolutely essential, keep one pair for the gym)

At least one pair of comfortable jeans (not black) with a belt (small buckle)

A couple of pairs of trackie bottoms (not black)

A couple of polo shirts (not black)

A couple of warm jumpers or sweatshirts (not black, no hoods)

A fleece (not black, unlined, no padding or quilting, no hood)

A beanie-style hat (not black, unlined) – especially if you’ll be in the nick for the

A pair of gloves (not black, unlined)

Two pairs of gym shorts (also good for in-cell wear, even if you don’t go to the gym)

A couple of gym vests or t-shirts (not black)

10 pairs of boxers or pants

10 pairs of new socks

A dressing gown (optional, but absolutely useful – makes you feel human. No hood)

A couple of pairs of pyjama bottoms (no-one under 70 wears pyjama tops in the

A couple of medium size shower towels (not black and white ones will soon be grey)

A face flannel

A tea towel or two (you’ll be doing your own washing up in your cell)

A pair of good quality shower flip-flops (essential – prison showers can be very

A see-through plastic wash-kit bag with your own toothbrush, razor and spare
blades, nail-clippers (no metal files – for obvious reasons)

A couple of pairs of foam earplugs (not silicon ones – get a good sleep even if your
pad-mate snores like a freight train)

A mains or battery razor (if you don’t wet shave), not rechargeable or with the 2-pin
travel adapter type plug

A set of mains or battery (not rechargeable) hair clippers – no scissors

A small battery or mains (not rechargeable) radio/CD player with headphones (inthe-ear type) – no Short Wave allowed, nor any item that has a USB port (because
of recharging illicit mobile phones)

A small battery alarm clock (not digital)

A diary and a clear plastic pen

An address/telephone number book

A few family photos

Copies of any relevant vocational qualifications (can help to get a decent job in some

Wear any jewellery you want to keep in the nick: watch, wedding ring, neck chain etc)
Don’t take in anything that is branded to any sports team or has national flags or logos.
For example, national team tops or team colours are likely to be confiscated. This is a
national prison policy to prevent team rivalry or fights between supporters inside the nick

A small note book