

If you are under stress this can make you unwell. Looking after yourself can avoid this.

If you are unsure if you are suffering from clinical stress this NHS tool will help you establish what help you should seek.

It’s not just heart disease and chronic illnesses that can make you unwell, stress can do it too. We know too well that there are not many situations that are more stressful than when facing False Accusations and been plunged into the world of the criminal justice system. The negative consequences of stress can not be ignored and looking after your health is vital.

It’s long been know that stress and heart related problems are entwined with each other. Mental stress causes an increase in demand from the body for oxygen. It raises both your blood pressure and your heart rate. If you already suffer from any heart disease then this additional burden can cause significan health problems.

Attitude Is Everything

But you don’t have to have underlying health conditions to suffer from the effects of stress on your physical as well as mental health. Stress can also make healthy people more vulnerable to sickness by weakening the immune system and making it easier to catch a cold or other contagious illness.

If suffering from stress you must focus on relieving this stress and get help.

To ease the negative effects of stress on your health, these tips may help reduce your stress:Attempt to maintain a normal routine. Sticking to a schedule can help you feel more in control of your life even when the circumstances around you are chaotic.

  • Make and keep connections with friends, family, clergy, and other confidants. Maintaining a strong social support network can act as a buffer against stress.
  • Make time for things that you enjoy, whatever that may be, such as playing with your children or pets, exercise, reading a book, etc.
  • Give yourself a break and stay away from things that rile you in times of stress. Limit contact with people or things that cause stress, especially around bedtime.
  • Participate in a volunteer activity. Assisting others in a time of need can be empowering.
  • Take care of yourself. Don’t let stress affect your diet, sleep schedule, or exercise habits.

There are warning signs to look for that can signal when stress levels are exceeding healthy limits. Symptoms of stress overload include:

  • Disruption in sleeping habits
  • Change in appetite or diet
  • Change in mood, such as a loss of optimism or feeling overwhelmed
  • Inability to put stress in long-term perspective or see the bigger picture
  • Increase in anger or irritability

If you suffer from these symptoms, it’s important to reach out to family and friends. If your symptoms continue, seek out advice from your doctor or a mental health professional trained to deal with these issues.