What do I need to do to defend myself?

Categories: Arrest & Interview, Pre Charge, Pre Trial, Rumours, Solicitors, Trial

Begin compiling evidence as soon as possible. Many find the process therapeutic. 

Keep notes of every tiny detail that occurs to you. Note times and dates of everything. 

Develop a timeline for what happened when you have details of the accusation. Look for evidence of your whereabouts and your accuser’s whereabouts. 

Save letters, record telephone calls and even conversations with your False Accuser or people harassing you – even the police. Try to get hard copies of all information – encourage mail or email communications rather than telephone. Give a copy of everything to someone you trust – and your solicitor. In the remote chance of an accuser or a member of their family contacting you by phone – be ready and record the conversation – there is a smartphone app that enables this. 

Copy all electronic media. Save all text messages. Download all your Facebook activity and other Social Media. Facebook saves messages even if you’re ‘unfriended’. Take screenshots. Monitor Social Media activity of your accuser and their friends (without communicating with them). Take screenshots.