Pre Charge

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It’s very important to understand that there is no way of knowing on which side your case will fall. It’s very easy to see the low percentage rate that we are about to give you and think you do not need to take action. YOU DO!. You need to prepare your defence. You need to make time lines, gather digital evidence, photographs, location data. Everything you can get your hands on that will be useful to your defence team IF you get charged for the false allegation against you.

That said in the year ending March 2021 the government data for crime outcomes for all sexual offences (including rape) was that 3.5% of offences reported resulted in a charge.

A recent Freedom Of Information Act Request to the ministry of justice by Accused.Me.UK shows that the likelihood of non conviction information being included in an enhanced DBS has reduced even further.

The last data we could find showed that where police held non conviction information it was included in the enhanced DBS check 0.83% of the time. That has now reduced to 0.32% I have updated our FAQ about “Understanding DBS (criminal record) checks when your case was NFA (no further action) or you were found Not Guilty” with the hard numbers and this can be viewed at the following link:

There is no way of knowing this. So many factors come in to play. The important things are to look after both your mental and physical Well-being. Have a look at our well-being section. It is also important to start work on your defence as outlined in other FAQs.
The chances of ending up at court are very low. Currently (2021) 3.5% of sexual allegations end up in court (government data).
However, this doesn’t mean you can relax. You need to work on your defence and continue to build and gather evidence until such a time as you are either NFA’d (no further action) or charged.