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Categories: Digital, Pre Charge, Pre Trial

A Facebook archive will provide a file with all of your messages – even between people you are no longer ‘friends’ with, photos and videos, profile information, etc. 

(This guidance is for a computer version of Facebook) .

On your Facebook page, click on the little down arrow that you use to Log Out and click on the Settings link just above Log Out. 

This will bring up your ‘General Account Settings’ page. Click on the link ‘Download a copy of your Facebook data’ underneath the General Account Settings’ box. 

This will display the Download Your Information page. Click on the green ‘Start My Archive’ button. 

You will be asked to re-enter your password and confirm your request. Facebook will then compile your data and send you a notification when it is ready for you. Select the notification to display the Download page and click on Download Archive. You will have to enter your password again then your archive will be downloaded to your computer. When the download is complete a new window will pop up with the contents of your archive folder. It will usually be in your Download folder but it is a good idea to store it (or a copy) into a location where you can easily find it or even email it to someone you trust. You can hand this over to your solicitor who in turn will advise the right time to hand a copy to the Police.

Categories: Digital, Pre Charge, Pre Trial

How to save your chat history

Your WhatsApp chats are automatically backed up and saved daily to your phone’s memory. Depending on your settings, you can also periodically back up your WhatsApp chats to Google Drive. If you uninstall WhatsApp from your phone, but don’t want to lose any of your messages, be sure to manually back up your chats before uninstalling. Or in the case of our group members need a full back up to keep safe. Once the backup is in Google Drive (or another back up location) you can attach to an email, send to yourself or another.

Back up chats

Go to WhatsApp > tap More options > Settings > Chats > Chat backup > BACK UP.

Export chat history

You can use the export chat feature to export a copy of the chat history from an individual or group chat.

  1. Open the individual or group chat.
  2. Tap More options > More > Export chat.
  3. Choose whether to export with media or without media.

An email will be composed with your chat history attached as a .txt document. which you can then send to yourself or another person for safe keeping. Repeat the process for each conversation.

It is becoming more and more common for evidence of text messages and instant messaging to be relevant at trial. The police will often seize mobile phones and devices from a defendant so that they may be downloaded and any relevant messages or call data obtained. The defence will be entitled to access this material and they can consider instructing an independent expert to analyse the material should this be necessary. It is also possible that cell-site evidence may be relevant to show in which area a person’s mobile phone was located at the time of an alleged offence. Finally, if evidence of social media postings are available and considered relevant, these can also be used at trial.