What will happen in the Police interview?

Categories: Arrest & Interview, Solicitors

You should not enter the interview without a solicitor nor discuss any aspect of the case with the Police. Whilst silence maybe awkward it is the best thing for you. Beyond confirming your identity and any communication regarding your welfare (or the immediate welfare of others that you may have responsibility for).
Ensure the interviewing officer (or custody sergeant) is aware that you want a solicitor. If you don’t have a solicitor already lined up request the duty solicitor.
The police will want to put questions to you regarding the allegations.
Before you go into the interview you will have a conference with your solicitor. He/She may have obtained from the Police some information. You will discuss what you do and do not know about the allegations. The solicitor will then tell you the best advice for the situation.
No Comment – The solicitor may advise you to answer all questions as “no comment”.
Answer questions – They may advise to answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability.
Prepared Statement – The solicitor may advise that a prepared statement is the way to go. They will help you with this. However, it maybe that they initially advise to answer “no comment” but then stop the interview to go away and prepare a statement.
The key is to stay calm and follow the advice of your solicitor. If your solicitor interrupts you from answering something stop talking immediately. There will be a reason to their actions.