
At, we believe that men who are subject to rape allegations should remain anonymous unless they’re convicted.  Apart from in one situation.  And that is where the police can persuade a judge that a man might be a serial rapist, and to release his name publicly so that other potential victims might be encouraged to…

False allegations in contested divorce cases are common

Interesting piece of research on the number of lies that find their way into family breakups in the UK here. This post research was first published on in 2017.

The Defendant

We are seeing great news coming out of the newsfeeds this morning of Liam Allan and Hannah Arkwright at “The Defendant”. After initially starting their service on three evenings a week they are now, after such a short time able to extend the service to Monday to Friday. For more information about “The Defendant” you…

Slowly But Surely

Over the last few weeks we have been slowly updating our website. We are still not done but don’t forget to look. Plenty of information and support resources to help you.

The Defendant

Liam Allan faced serious allegations which were totally fabricated. The police withheld serious evidence that proved his innocence and was only discovered at trial. Since his acquittal Liam Allan along with his co-director @Hannah Arkwright have gone on to set you the charity “The Defendant”. Operating a telephone support line 3 evenings a week Liam,…

Deletion Of Police Records

Freemans Solicitors, London detail the issues and processes surrounding how/when/if you can have police records deleted. In 2006 the Association of Chief Police Officers, known as ACPO, founded a Criminal Records Office, now known as ACRO. The intention was for ACRO to organise the management of criminal record information and improve links between the records…